Sep 1, 20152 min

I Can’t

It seemed like a lifetime ago when I had to drag myself out of bed to go into an office, and at the end of the day, I’d go home feeling glad I did a good job, but my zest was dimmed and my passion for creativity was collecting cobwebs in the recesses of my soul.

Let me clarify.  I’m not saying a corporate job is bad in any way and it certainly wasn’t like that for me every day because I made some great friends, learned A TON about business, and grew personally.  In fact, I know that I couldn’t have leaped out of the Corporate World had I not “put in my dues” to learn about marketing and small business.  Having managers who believed in me was a confidence booster that didn’t go away either when I left.  I am eternally grateful for my opportunities.

But now, wow.

Now I get to run a business doing all the things I love.  We’re talking the kind of love that makes me excited to get up in the morning, passionate to create Art and tell stories, and an all around happier person.  I have the kind of job that, even eight years later, makes me want to pinch myself.  Am I really doing what I love, every day?!!

My Lifestyle Shoot this weekend reminded me of all this.

I’ve been photographing The T Family since Kate was a baby and they lived in L.A.  I photographed Ellie when Michele was pregnant and the day she came home from the hospital!  I have watched Ellie grow into this walking, talking little person with a big personality.  And Kate… what a bright, shining star she is!  They both have these magnetic smiles that melt my heart.  And every time I see them, I feel like THE luckiest person ever.  <3

Alright, that’s enough sappiness and over-sharing for today.  You have to see some of their images.  I dare you to look at these and not smile!

I can’t.  🙂

#EastBaychildrenphotography #EastBayfamilyphotography #EastBaylifestylephotography
