Although Ian has had several haircuts before, this was the first time he went to a non-children’s hair salon, which meant no sweet-talking kid stylist and no toy car to sit in! (Boy, was I worried!)
It was also the first time someone used an electric razor on his head! Ian hates loud noises, like hair dryers and vacuums. (Now, I am double-worried!)

This all leads me to… (drumroll please)
The first time he had CANDY!!!
The Dum Dum lollypop was insurance that he’d sit still for all these “firsts”! And it worked like a charm. Well, that and a portable DVD player! You can never be too safe! 🙂

The 5-Minute BxW Mini-Shoot
Later that day, Ian played “nap time” on the stairs, which was so adorable that I had to break out my camera again…

He tried out different steps to see which step was the best for pretend-napping!

As Ian would say: TA-DAAAAH!