You know that David Bowie song, right? It’s a classic. “Ch-ch-ch-changes…” It’s a good thing no one is in hearing range of me because I am now singing it!
So a lot can change in a year, but in TEN years, the changes are even more obvious.
This morning, I started scrolling through some photos I took in 2008, just to see how things have changed over a decade. I like doing this activity every few years because seeing concrete changes means I’ve continued to learn, which is what I want. To my surprise, there were also some things that remained the same — such as, photographing children in their natural state and seeking out emotional moments. That tells me I’ve stayed true to who I am, which is something I tell my kids to do, so it’s good to know I do it too. (Phew!)
Here are some examples of what I found…
Different: I’ve changed how I process my images. Goodbye over-saturated colors. Hello warmer, natural tones.
Same: I still love photographing kids being kids. No forced smiles or posed shots. They are free to be themselves.

10 Years Ago

Different: OMG, the light! I now know how to ‘find’ the light and know how to control it. This results in a lighter, brighter image, which makes my heart sing!
Same: I still love family photos where everyone is bunched together — group hugs, big kisses, and snuggles are the best!

10 Years Ago

Different: Slanted images are now equivalent to fingernails-on-a-chalkboard to me. I wish I were kidding, but it’s true. I also love shooting with backlight now, whereas a decade ago, my preferred light was in the shade.
Same: I always look out for authentic moments and interactions to photograph.

10 Years Ago

Different: Over the years, I’ve trained my eyes to notice distracting elements in a frame. Some images can have many environmental details, especially in pulled-back images that include the background, but those details cannot distract from the main focal point. The two images in “10 years ago” feature adorable kids, but the photos probably wouldn’t make my cut now.
Same: I still shoot at different angles to get interesting perspectives. I also still love tight shots where subjects run off the edge.

10 Years Ago

Different: I lean towards creamier whites and warmer washes of light than before. I also include images that are hazy and “imperfect” if it captures a mood or a tone. In other words, I let myself be artistic more than before. 🙂
Same: I still seek out joyful moments because if they make ME smile or laugh, then these images will surely bring emotion to the family.

10 Years Ago

Different: No more artificial glow added in post-processing. (I don’t know why, but I REALLY liked that effect back then! I also used makeup bronzer back then, so maybe that was a window into my editing style — haha!) I now have cleaner edits.
Same: I still love shooting at a distance where I give my subjects some breathing room to forget I am there, and I get to capture the family with some of their surroundings. The San Francisco Bay Area is just too beautiful to not include!

10 Years Ago

What is MOST amazing is that many of my clients have been with me from the beginning of my business!
It still blows my mind. I’ve known some kids since the first day they came home from the hospital. I’ve watched little kids grow up into teens and go off to College. I’ve photographed families in various houses that they’ve moved to and made their home sweet home. I’ve witnessed couples become parents… and families expand in number, along with their hearts.
This compare/contrast activity over the past decade reminded me how lucky I am for being in business this long and how blessed I am for having a business that I am proud of and clients whom I love! ❤️