A few days ago, I photographed a High School graduation. I’ve been to Pinewood School before (click here to see some photos). It was so great to be back! There is an energy here that is hard to describe. Let’s just say, when the faculty talked about the students, it sounded like they were talking about their own children. <3
With other photographers there to capture the formal shots, my focus was to capture the graduation in a photojournalistic style. (Focus, get it? Yea I know, it’s late.)
Now onto the good stuff.
The end of the school year means more than just empty halls.

The end of the school year means…

Unwavering Support


Inner Reflection

Tears of Joy
…and maybe sadness too.


Congratulations to The Class of 2013 at Pinewood School and other High Schools!
What an amazing achievement! I tip my hat to you (I really am wearing one right now) and say, “WOOOHOOOOOOOO!” 🙂
I wish you much success and happiness in all that you do.