Votes started coming in the minute I posted these albums onto my Facebook business page! Thank you to all who chimed in. It is always a lot of fun for me to see what people like because there are always a few surprises. This is me when I’m looking through the votes: “Ooh, interesting…why this one?!! Wait. What? Why not this one?!!” hahaha.
Without further ado, check out the results of people’s favorite images — as of today (voting is continuous). The #1 images in both categories, however, won by landslides, so those are pretty secured in their stately positions. 🙂
Photos considered in The Most Delicious Light category were images where light played a significant role in the overall image.
The sweetness of this mother-baby moment wouldn’t be the same if the sunlight was “hard”.
The golden sunlight warms this engagement hand-holding image.
Found an abandoned farmhouse for this shot! Love the thin stream of hard light.
The sunlight is what brings attention to the streamers and her face…and creates even more JOY in the image.
Tied for #4
Love how the sunlight points out the boy’s long baby hair and lit up the tree in the background.
A “moment” can be a split second in time, or it can be a moment that tells a story — whether sweet, emotional or humorous. Or all of the above!
Dancing with Dad
It LOOKS like candy.
The laughing rocker and her sister.
The moment you help your brother fly like an airplane and the wind blows your hair into beautiful lines in the sky.
Contrasting layers of an emotional human interaction with a city reflection. Soft and hard. Warm and cold. Curves and hard lines.
[This image also won the “Everyday Life” photography contest with in March 2015!]
Want to see more?
Here is the entire selection of images for The Most Delicious Light of 2015. Here is the entire selection of images for Best Moments of 2015. Favorite Images of 2014 Favorite Images of 2013