Explanation of the Title: My nutty family and I went to Brentwood to pick fruit today! 🙂
A client asked me recently during their photoshoot that I must have a ton of photos of my kids. I hesitated before answering. I guess that’s true compared to the average person. But I don’t think I take a lot of photos of them considering I’m a photographer!
I notice that when I’m really busy, I don’t pick up a camera when I’m at home. (Doing 3 photoshoots in a week, for example, means the other 4 days are spent editing the photos, communicating with clients, writing contracts, handling print orders, etc.) I love my job, but I feel guilty sometimes when I am busy and also that I have been taking fewer photos of my own family.
So today, I took the day off and also brought my camera when we went to Brentwood to go fruit-picking. This blog post is in celebration of my beautiful and understanding family!
Here are some photos to share from today’s trip to Brentwood…
My little monkey is 22 months old.

Picnicing at The Farmer’s Daughter
Everything tastes better when it comes straight from the farm!

Bed of Flowers
Mia, 4 years old, is pretending to nap in the middle of the fruit farm!

Too Heavy
Pull, Ian, pull! He really did try though. And it was a crack up to watch!

The Boys
Daddyo just picked up some fresh strawberries to eat on our picnic.

My Mia is one of the most compassionate, caring souls I’ve ever encountered. But recently, she’ll throw a little attitude. I think this stage will pass…. right?!! <:)
Regardless, I like this photo because her expression represents her stage right now. And for better or worse, I love her for it!

Peaches and Nectarines
Ian got REALLY into fruit-picking! He wanted to carry his own bucket, even when it was about 4+ lbs, and was constantly busy.

I love the dreamy colors in this photo. It got so hot while we were on the farm that I removed their shirts. That’s one Mommy benefit about hot weather: I get to see more of my babies’ skin!
Also, both kids were wearing matching overalls, which suited the farm attire very well.

Rear View
It is definitely my style to take photographs from the back. I don’t think all photos need to show faces.

Flower Girl
Mia loooooooves flowers.
Lawrence’s bucket had 15 lbs of fruit. Ian’s bucket had 4+ lbs of rotten fruit that he gathered from the ground (eiew). And Mia’s bucket had about 100+ wild flowers that she lovingly picked. And my bucket, well…. Ian stole it.

My Strong & Independent Little Man

Hey That’s Me!
Yep, there I am. I look awful, but that’s okay…sometimes you have to take one for the team. 😉

I love this shot of Ian, even though he isn’t even in focus. Since he was in motion, I shot fast and think I focused on one of the leaves instead. Whoops. Good thing for me is that in photography, some “accidents” can be beautiful. I just shouldn’t admit they’re accidents! 😉
