Why is it that your own children are the hardest to photograph?!!
The bigger question is: why do I make the mistake of photographing my own kids on New Year’s Day after bathtime in their jammies… and think it will only take 5 minutes? Every. Single. Year. Who am I kidding???
Well, not all traditions are easy — but I have to say, I am so glad I made this our family tradition!
So that 5 minutes quickly turned into 30, and my poor husband had to perform A PUPPET SHOW just so I could get this one shot of the three of them looking like they are the Asian version of the Brady Bunch kids! 🙂
Thanks for your help, Schmookie Pookie Ookie Bear! (j/k. I don’t call him that! He is probably gagging as he is reading this!)

Below are a few more shots that put a smile to my face.

Ian asked me to take a photo of his “pirate face”. I didn’t know he had this so-called face, and I didn’t ask any questions I didn’t want to hear the answers to.
So I just took the shot like a good Mama-razzi!

Um. Again, I didn’t ask.

My little 2-year old, Ava, has never done this before: pose for the camera! What the??? Who is this child?!!

She loves to read about Princesses and Fairies…and Umizoomi (in case you were curious).

And here’s one I played around with for fun…
It is more whimsical than my usual lifestyle images because it mixes illustration with photography. What do you think?
