So I went to the Berkeley Rose Garden today. It was a surprise trip for my daughter who loves flowers.
I wouldn’t normally be excited to shoot flowers and insects, but OY! I’ve never gone to a garden with a macro lens before!
Having a macro lens opened up a whole new World for me. And it turned a simple trip for the kids into a photo fiesta! 🙂
These are the things that took my breath away….
The creamy soft colors that make the flower look like it was painted in watercolors.

The vein-like texture on the petals and the gradation of hues within the same flower.

The velvet red that dares you to touch it!

The way flowers stand.

The perfectly wound petals that form a tight circle.

The friends who come and visit.

The contrasting elements in a garden.

Some grow in busy clusters, which make them appear like a family.

I was reminded that life is all around.
There were dragonflies everywhere and they always flew away when I attempted to take their photograph.
Then these two came along and started mating on the bench next to me! They were too busy getting busy that they didn’t notice the camera the way the other dragonflies did!
And check out the details the macro lens captured. You could see the grid pattern on the wings and their little legs! Crazy, huh?!!

Happy Mother’s Day to all you mommas out there who have the toughest ‘job’ in the World! Hugs to you all!
(5/9/10 Addendum: I realized after I posted this blog that it’s not “nature photography” that I meant to say because I love photographing wildlife. Going to the Galapagos Islands to photograph the indigenous animals was drool-worthy to me! And my childhood dream was to be a photographer for The National Geographic. What I meant to say is photographing flowers and plants. That was never something I thought to be exciting, but I really enjoyed my time yesterday!)