Our Trip to Massachusetts – Part 2: The People
Mostly, we saw family during this trip, but we also got to see a couple of my friends from High School and their beautiful children.
I couldn’t post photos of everyone, but here are a few photos that I wanted to share…
Harrison at Drumlin Farm

Tatum, Sonia & Nolan



The Cousins
Melia and Ian really enjoyed playing with their cousins Evan and Mia SO MUCH that I wish we all lived closer, so they could play and grow together!
Melia was especially tickled by the fact that she has family with the same name. She kept pointing out how there are TWO Mia’s, just like the episode on “Olivia” when there were two Olivia’s at school. (Yes, they probably watch too much tv because real life is often related to children’s programming!)

Aunt Vivian
My kids call her “San Jo Po”, which means Third Great Aunt (on Mom’s side)!
Mia and Ian love their San Jo Po!

My monkeys call her “Ah-Boo”, which means Grandma (on Mom’s side).
They screamed for Ah-Boo every day — when they saw her, when they didn’t see her. My poor ears. 😉

My Ah-Boo
My grandma is 89 years old this month! Wooweee! And not only is she 89, but she is strong, healthy and independent.
Every day, she takes the bus to the T (the subway in Boston), then takes it to Boston to see her friends! She does this by herself, everyday. She is incredible.
