I had the privilege of working with Facing History & Ourselves to photograph a few classes at a high school in the San Francisco Unified School District. Facing History is a non-profit organization that partners with schools across the globe to connect students with history so they understand that their choices and actions shape their future. (They explain it better on their website, so check them out!)
It was a lot of fun getting to know a posse of creatives, professionals, and educators for this shoot. I found out one grew up in the country, so her Girl Scout troop had a sleepover at a mall (bwahaha), we all have sleeping issues (strange!), and we share an appreciation of East Coast sarcasm. Those are the only stories I can share because it's like Vegas: what happens at a shoot, stays at the shoot.
Working with this lovely group of women reminded me how quality human connection is the most important part of any job, activity, or life stage. It made challenges that inevitably arose that day seem trivial because I felt I could make anything work since I was surrounded and supported by good people. ❤️
