I did a 5 minute photoshoot of my munchkin, who seems to be my main photoshoot subject this week. Since I’ve taken the month of January off from doing photoshoots (so I can focus on marketing), I find myself picking up my camera and shooting at whatever and whomever gets in my path. Too bad for my kids, they are often the subject of my recent incessant shooting.
Funny thing is, since my photography business took off, I don’t actually take many “real” photos of them; I usually just goof around with my iPhone to capture their silly moments and record their antics or new developmental phases with my Flip.
But a couple days ago, while Ian was napping, the sunlight was streaming into our house and Melia was sitting on the stairs talking to me, so I couldn’t resist…

This shoot proves that you don’t need an exciting location or backdrop to make your images interesting.
So for you upcoming clients who are still thinking about a location, don’t think too hard. Just pick a place your kids like to go and can have fun. Done! It’s that simple. This is true unless you have older kids or if it will be an adults-only photoshoot, then the location and backdrop selection is more important.
These photos were taken on the stairs. It is probably the least interesting area in the house (ha ha), but it is very well-lit. And if you’ve been reading my blog, then you know: Light is King!
(I hope you won’t get sick of looking at my kids! You may see more of them until client photoshoots start back up again next month.)

Important Note: Melia dressed herself this morning, as she has every morning since she was about 2 yrs old. It wasn’t my doing!

I love this smirk and that Melia is looking upwards. OMG, her outfit is wrong in soooo many ways!

Just when I thought she was looking really mature (Melia is 3), she breaks out one of her silly faces!

Of course I need to add a couple of my other munchkin! Ian insisted on wearing the vest his Nai Nai (means grandmom in Mandarin) bought during her recent trip to China.
Yes, I know. I can hear the circus music now…

Ian wanted me to hold him, which is why he was grabbing at my legs (see above). The photo below is Ian after I refused to pick him up. Hey, I was in the middle of something!
He does not look very happy here, but I like the sharpness of the image and that you can see the sparkle in his eyes… if you can see beyond his attire. 😉
