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New Superfranks Website

Yay, one of my first commercial clients has his new website up!

The big launch is later on because Frank and his team are still finetuning some things, so Super Franks customers, watch out for Frank’s e-blast.

I have been a customer of Super Franks since it opened, so it is thrilling to see my photos and name all over the website!

Currently, there are other people’s photos in the mix (from families who’ve taken their kids there and submitted photos), so we can include a larger variety of “models” and activities.  It would’ve been a model release nightmare to just go during a busy period and shoot away.  Anyhow, we can improve the site more with more professional photos, so ATP Photoshoot #3 is coming soon.

Here are some screenshots of Super Franks’ new home page…


Check out my photography credit at the bottom.  Woohoo!  It’s also a direct link to my website.  Thanks, Frank!


I love this photo of the lobby because it shows off how it is warm and inviting.  SF’s is perfect for adults to sit down with a cup o’ joe (from their Starbucks counter) and sit comfortably while the kids play.


We will also be doing some cross promotions in the near future, which I am soooooo excited about!  I love working with Frank… he’s a super guy.  😉

I am having a lot of fun building my commercial photography portfolio.  Having a marketing background gives me an edge on knowing how to best sell a product.  I love that I can use so many of my skills (creative eye & business marketing) for commercial photography.  If anyone has a business and needs some professional photographs taken of a product, facility, food, or people, contact me!

Since online presence is key in marketing and selling your products or services, you really need the best photos you can get.  Everyone is so busy — too busy to read all the text, too busy to click around to find information — so you need great photos and a clean, easy-to-navigate website!  You can then use the same photos for your paper marketing materials, which is just as important to have excellent photos.

Ok – my sales pitch is over.  Contact me if you’re interested.  Rates are negotiable.  We can work something out if your budget is tight.

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