That’s how I feel when I see the F. family: overjoyed. I’ve been capturing images of their family for 3 years now, and I know the kids really well. I am so lucky to get to watch these kids grow up!
Here’s an image of Kai, Maya and Nina back in 2008 when I didn’t have a blog yet, so there wasn’t a sneak peek post on this.

And here is what they look like now (well, yesterday)…

The family back in 2008….

The family now….

[If you want to see photos from some of their previous shoots, click here: January 2010, June 2009. It is interesting to see how the family has changed and also my creative style has changed a bit too!]
Sense of Privacy
Or shall I say false sense of privacy?!!
I sometimes hide behind things or stand far away to take photos of people when they don’t know I am shooting them (like below right) or I am so far away, they don’t know when I’m shooting them (like below left).

A Big Squeeze
That’s grandpa from Berlin!

Natural Moments
From interests (checking out bugs) to caring for your younger sibling, so much can be told in the natural moments that unfold during a photoshoot.

Classic Maya
Maya’s personality shines like the North Star. Anyone would be able to pick her out from a crowd of… thousands! 🙂
At all of my photoshoots with the F. family, I always have a bunch of photos of Maya sticking her face into my lens. She makes me laugh every time she does this!

The Youngest and The Oldest
Nina was only 2 when I first met her, and now she is a bundle of energy zipping left and right… leaving only a ball of dust behind her and the echo of her darling giggle!
Kai is now a pre-teen who is as handsome as ever and has a calm disposition. I remember when he would make funny faces at the camera for most of the family shots! How he has changed!

The Parents

Patience in Photography
I adore this photo! I was patient and waited for their heads to line up this way. It reminds me of my swing shot last Summer.
Having patience can pay off in photography! (I don’t always abide by that rule because I usually shoot fast when there are active subjects. You have to know when it’s a time to wait for something even better!)

A Sweet Father and Son Walk
We were all walking as a group to get somewhere and when I saw Alex and Kai holding hands, I knew I wanted that shot! I quickly looked at the area for composition and saw this small patch of flowers on the hillside, so I took a step onto the hill (just one foot, so I could lean, which is quicker than climbing and crouching) to take the shot.
These kinds of moments only last a few seconds and they are best candid. (The planned walks for photos look different.)

Can’t wait to see the F. family again in 6 months! Yay for me!!!