Ryan turned 5 years old this week and today he celebrated his birthday with some of his close friends.

No More Beating Pinatas
Thank goodness pinatas have ribbons to pull now. I always thought it was wrong to beat your favorite character with a stick!
I like this photo because it captures the determination and anticipation on their faces!

Baby Brother Evan
Ryan also recently became a big brother to baby Evan, who is 7 weeks old.

Tired of Fighting
It was Dads versus Sons in a water gun fight. Dads had teeny tiny guns (see photo below – ha!) and the boys had those 3 ft long super guns.
Luca was tired at the end and held on to his dad’s arm for support. I love the way his back is arched and his head is nestled under his dad’s arm. This is one of my favorite shots from today.

Younger Siblings

The Grill
Vince (Ryan’s dad) told me how he makes slow-cooked pork in here… something like 10 hours on the grill. Mmmmm.

The Eyes Have It
Ryan was actually making funny faces, so I purposely focused only on his eyes and got the top of his fuzzy head, which I find irresistible to touch.
I think this composition makes the photo much more interesting… though I do like photos of kids making funny faces!

I love the warm glow of the sunset. The light even illuminated his lashes!

Happy birthday, Ryan!