For goodness sake, I am not a morning person. Wait, where’d I put my coffee? 😉 Okay, let’s continue…
So why do a shoot at sunrise? For many reasons! Here are a few examples using images from my Commercial Shoot last Sunday…
To get outdoor images without cars and people.

To capture a building’s lighting of signs and storefront. These lights are usually in key places and give an added dimension to photos. They are usually automatic, just like with streetlamps, so once it is bright enough outside, they go dark.

To get even lighting outdoors. There are no harsh shadows or blown-out details from the strong sun.

To capture images of the beautiful day break.

Notice the amazing horizontal light on the bushes? LOVE IT!

To capture animals and people in their freshest, calmest state.

Next time, find out what time the sun rises in your city and bring your camera!