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The Worst Client

[Before you read this, please know that my husband and I joke around… a lot.  Have you read The Unlucky Spouse?  I’m saying this off the bat because I don’t want someone to be offended by this post.  He is no ordinary “client”!  🙂 ]

Yesterday, I took time out of my morning to take some updated head shots of Lawrence.

I posted some of my favorites on my blogsite, as I do with my regular clients, and then excitedly texted him at work, so he could see it.

Here was one of the head shots I posted:


My witty husband responded with an email that read:

“Thanks for the photoshoot this morning, but can you…”


You see, he found it utterly amusing (insert eyeroll here) to be “a bad client” with his Photoshop demands.  He knows I keep things real in my images and wouldn’t normally make these kinds of edits.  I guess this kind of humor is the result of being married to a Photographer.

I considered retorting with a serious response or no response at all, but this joke deserved a joke in return.  So…..

I sent him this email reply:


With this attachment:


We both had a laugh-so-hard-we-wanted-to-cry episode after he saw my skilled Photoshop work!

What’s life without some good laughs, right?  🙂

[If you found this remotely entertaining, you may want to check out my Worst Photoshoot Ever!]

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