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Urban Chic Senior Portraits: Caitlin

The biggest challenge about this senior portrait session was having the shoot at noon!  Today was the only available day I had and midday was the only time my client was free today.

(Photography tip:  The best times to shoot outdoor portraits are in the early morning and late in the day when the sun is low in the sky.  Avoid shooting midday, like the plaque.)

Usually I pray for no rain on a photoshoot day, but today, the morning rain was a blessing because it meant clouds in the sky and fewer tourists in the city for my urban chic senior portraits of Caitlin!

Kids, Do Not Attempt This At Home

Both Caitlin and I laid in the middle of the street for this shot.  Several times we rushed to the side of the street because of oncoming traffic!


Teen Model Caitlin



The juxtaposition of the greenery and the wooden structure made this a must-shoot location!


Change It Up

I love changing it up to get various angles and perspectives.


Celebrity Look-Alike

Seriously, she looks like Katie Holmes’ younger sister!


Working with the High Noon Sunlight

(FYI to Photographers:  The clouds were clearing at this time, so the sun was pretty strong, as you can tell by the shadows on the ground.  To get this shot, I had my model face the sun to get the most flattering body angle, then had her turn so I could see her face.  I asked my model’s mom to hold a reflector, so Caitlin’s face would be highlighted.  Without a reflector, her face would be in the shadows.  And with an off-camera flash, her body and metal fence would’ve also been lit, which I didn’t want.  I wanted to keep the dark lines of the bars and the bars’ shadow, and also didn’t want to spend time fiddling with lots of equipment.  That’s how I roll!  This shot took one minute to set up, and this image is straight-out-of-the-camera.)

Thank you, Brenda, for being my assistant, which wasn’t always easy on a windy day!  And thank you to the blue skies for making an appearance for this shot!  🙂


Give Me A “C”!

Caitlin is a cheerleader at her High School, so I had to make her do some jumps and cheers, right?!!  Of course!

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