This San Francisco Lifestyle Family Photography session reminded me how we can have something in our heads about how we want the shoot to go or where we’d like to shoot, but in the end, we just have to roll with it!
I must have missed the flyers and social media posts about how Chrissy Fields was the place to be last Sunday because it seemed like every Bay Area resident and out-of-towner was there. Granted, it was a gorgeous day in the city, but c’mon… didn’t people know I had a shoot there?!! 😉
So this shoot was all about finding a few quiet-er spots and then hanging out there.
The Semi-Posed: In the Golden Hour
If you’re gonna have a semi-posed shot, this is the one to have! Isn’t this family stinkin’ cute?!! And in the golden hour light too!

The Un-Posed: Fresh, Fun and Fabulous
Though I think every family should have some semi-posed shots, my favorites are usually the ones that show emotion, personality and relationships.

Happy 10th Anniversary, Kenny and Kathy!!! I am honored to be a part of commemorating your momentous year!