Call me Crazy, but today’s shoot ended at 6pm! And yet, after I raced home to make it to dinner with my family, I managed to spend time with my monkeys before their bedtime, clean up, upload all my files from my camera, do some editing work AND find time to blog by 10pm!
Okay, I lied. I didn’t clean up. You should see my kitchen! On second thought, it’s a good thing you can’t see it!
Oh wait, I still have laundry to finish too! It may be a long night. Well, I blogged about my day’s shoot, which is close to being a miracle since it was a late shoot. So I am still happy!
Here is a small handful of my favorites from today…
Summer Glow

In The Buff
Nolan just turned 1 year old a few days ago! So naturally, we needed some photos of him in his birthday suit!
I love the sparkle in his eyes and the soft look on his face. And you gotta love baby skin. It’s so white that it’s almost a shade of pink!
This photo, by the way, was straight-out-of-the-camera! Isn’t the lighting and the colors amazing?

A Second Wind
Audrey, who is 2 1/2, was happy doing her own thing for most of the photoshoot… until the end! She started performing her tumbling exercises and somersaults for us to enjoy!
I have a great shot of Audrey looking straight at me, but I prefer this one of her looking off to the side. Her smile is so sweet and her crouching position shows how she is being playful.

Who needs a formal family shot anyway?!! Okay, okay, I jest. Pretty much we all like having a nice formal shot. But isn’t this photo hilarious?!! I would print this one on Metallic paper and have it framed, or have it on a Standout Mount!

You can’t instruct, order, or even bribe a 2 1/2 year old and a 1 year old to pose for the camera — unless they are cartoons on tv!
So this photo is like hitting the jackpot!
And in case you’re wondering, to get this shot, we sat Nolan in the middle of the bridge and just hoped for the best. Audrey hopped like a bunny up and down the path and hugged her little brother in the end! You should’ve heard all of us cheering with joy. This one was worth the wait! 🙂
