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I went to my first-ever Pleasanton Mother’s Club (PMC) Mother’s Day brunch.

This year, the brunch was held at the Castlewood Country Club in Pleasanton.  It is situated on top of the hills in Pleasanton.  In the banquet room where we were, you could see the rolling green hills of their golf course and palm trees.  Breathtaking, even on a rainy day!

For a moment, you think you’re on vacation rather than in the East Bay ‘burbs!


I brought my camera, as you can see, and planned on taking some photographs of the event.  However, I was enjoying myself with all the wonderful moms there that I decided to sip my mimosa instead.


As the event ended, I took my time leaving the clubhouse to take a few shots of things that caught my eye on my way to my car — doorways and flowers.


I’d love to do a full photoshoot here in the upcoming future.  Castlewood is a very beautiful place.

And HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to all you moms out there!

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