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Dancing & Surfing

Yesterday’s photoshoot was long overdue.  It was of my brother’s family!

I am proud to present a Sneak Peek for my family across the Bay…

Sunning in the Marina

The forecast was for rain.  Hmmm…doesn’t look rainy to me!


So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades

It became so sunny that we left the Marina and went into the woods for open shade.

[FYI to Photographers: Open shade is when you get enough covering from the sun that you have natural light for some stellar images, but the light is mostly indirect:  filtered through the leaves of trees, for example, and bounced off the ground.  Direct sunlight can appear harsh and create distinct shadows, which isn’t always flattering for photos of people.  The ideal location for shooting people is one that has both an area with open shade and a clearing to take some shots in the direct sunlight.  You can get some really creative stuff in the sun!]

With the shot panned out to get the path and the sun, it gives me a feeling of warmth and tells a story about a bright future.  🙂


Dum Dum

No, that’s not the name I called my brother!  😉

The kids (and grown ups — let’s not forget them!) did so well that they all got to enjoy a little treat at the end.


This is one of my favorite family photos that day (below), and it was taken when “the photoshoot was over” (wink wink).

With me, the shoot isn’t over until I am in the car and have actually driven away!  But it’s always nice to see what happens when people think the shoot is over!  (I never say it’s over, just FYI.  People just assume it.)


Role Model

It is without a doubt that my brother is D’s role model.  I love this symbolic photo of D looking up at his dad.


Little Feet & Nature’s Props

Syd is at the age where her feet are still small and cute, so I had to capture an image of her little legs and butterfly shoes!

She is sitting on this giant log that we discovered on our hike through the woods.  It had the coolest plants and moss all around it!


Now That’s Love!

Man, there’s some kind of special bond Peter has with his little girl.  And who can blame him?  Syd is the sweetest thing!

Look at their faces… they’re both beaming from being together!


Dancing to “Like A G6”

I know what you’re thinking… We Tao’s can really dance!  😉

I really love this shot.  It radiates fun and joy, and it makes me smile!  These are the kinds of photographs that should be enlarged and displayed throughout your home, so you can have these feelings every time you walk by them!


One of the FUNNIEST Moments of the Day!

Peter:  “I have an idea!  Let’s pretend to surf!”

Syd:  “Okay.”  And she starts moving her arms like she’s surfing.

Me Humming the tune to Hawaii 5-0 while I’m shooting. (Yea yea, I know.  I’m silly.)

All the while, we are all looking at D, who is doing something…. something… um, odd.  He’s delicately moving one hand forward and back.  Then, finally….

Peter:  “D!  What are you doing?  Are you surfing?!”

D:  “OOOOHHH!  I thought you said SERVING!”

Okay, my delivery is bad, so it probably doesn’t sound that funny, but at the time, it had me rolling!

You can really see it in this shot.  He looks like he’s serving people dishes or sandwiches or something!   =:D

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