Baby Marissa joined The C Family a month ago, so I zipped over to their house to capture their life as it is right now! First, I photographed the baby with all her chins (hee hee) at their home. See Exhibit A:

ADORABLE, right?!! 🙂
Then we went to their neighborhood park to play.
Some cute observations from their shoot:
~ Marissa is calmest when her dad, Tim, holds her outward, so she can see his face. Then her arms fall to her side completely limp! ~ Madeline (4 yrs old) proves she can do everything her big brother can do, like the monkey bars! ~ Matthew (6 yrs old) has a cool train set and has been playing that since my first shoot with them 3 years ago. ~ Jenny really loves stuffed animals. There is one in her collection that looks like a cross breed between a panda and Olaf!

Newborn Photography usually takes longer than a typical Lifestyle session because parents need to take time caring for their baby, but when you add in young children to the mix, it adds to the dynamic. [To learn more about Newborn Photography, here’s an article on Sensitivity and one on Lifestyle Newborn.]
This sweet family kept thanking me at the end of their shoot because their shoot lasted 3 hours (as some Newborn Shoots do) — however, I was the one who felt grateful! Tim and Jenny are such awesome people, so their shoots feel more like hanging out with friends! And their kids were so fun to play with that they had me laughing a lot. To top it off, they “get” my style of photography and appreciate me.
Thank you, thank you, Tim and Jenny, for giving me the pleasure of capturing this slice of your lives! xoxo ~annie