This evening’s Bay Area family photography session was a “full circle” with the T. Family. Their first session with me 2 years ago was at Stanford University (Three Bears at Stanford) and today, we shot at the UC Berkeley campus! Go Bears!
[For those who have no idea what I’m talking about, Stanford and Cal are rival schools in California, yet all of us adults at the shoot — myself included — went to UC Berkeley.]
It was so nice to be back shooting here. There are so many little nooks and crannies here that I can shoot here every weekend and get entirely different images! Yep, UC Berkeley is like an english muffin. Who knew?!!
Gorgeous Family, Gorgeous Light
What else could I ask for?!!

This Year’s Holiday Card
heh heh heh….

Sibling Love
In the first 5 minutes of the shoot, these siblings refused to take photos with each other because, allegedly, they didn’t like each other. HA!
I felt nothing, but love from them, for them, and between them.

Laying on the Cement
Nicolas is a natural model. I mean, really! How many people can look THIS good when laying on the hard, cold cement?!!

All Smiles
Jackie has such a great attitude and gentle nature. I found her laughing a lot, which made me laugh too!

I love this boy!

Leonora and Min
Min is keeping a straight face here, but he was actually cracking jokes during this time!

So Berkeley!
One of the things I miss about being on the Berkeley campus is how I never feel apart from the rest of the World when I’m here. (Some campuses make me feel like I’m in an altogether different World, sheltered from it all.)
Here, there is always some kind of activity — rallies, protests, strikes, movements — that makes me think about my rights and my freedom. Today was no different.
This week, it’s Occupy Cal.

When (you think) No One Is Watching!
At the end of the shoot, Jackie and Nicolas sat at Sproul Hall and watched the skateboarders and bikers do tricks. We were here for awhile, so they forgot I had my cameras – heh heh.
I definitely made sure I captured some semi-set up shots of the kids and the entire family, but I love capturing images that are unexpected.
When Jackie is sitting quietly, she plays with her face…

And Nicolas wiggles his tooth! 🙂

Father and Son Hands
[Photography Tip: Hands can tell quite a story! Not only how they look and what you do with them, but how you place them.]
