Last year was a test of The L Family’s photoshoot endurance because it was freezing, like literally freezing! Their kids, Rory and Dex, were so little too, and with little ones, they can’t fake comfort when it doesn’t exist, and they aren’t bribe-able. (Is that a word?!! ha. Parents know what I am talking about!) I still remember not being able to change the setting of my camera because my fingertips were numb! But for Danny and Emily, they found ways to make it a fun experience for the entire family, frost-bite and all! 😉
This year, we made sure it was warm and sunny by doing an ancient Sun Dance at noon for seven days. Just kidding. They booked their shoot earlier, so they could choose an earlier date!
It was a lot of fun to play games around this breathtaking garden and to observe the baby koi fish and turtles swimming. My favorite activity was catching up with Rory. Rory isn’t one of the parents. She is 4 years old. (Well, “four and three-quarters”, as she would say!) I’m sure this sounds like I’m exaggerating, but I’m not… we walked around and talked like old girlfriends.
Towards the end of the shoot, I told her I’d miss her and she asked her parents if I could go home with them. Sigh. I miss her already.

Oh and here’s a pic of me and my “old girlfriend”, Rory! (Thanks, Danny, for taking that of us!)
