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Little Miracles Grow

Oh how I love watching these little miracles grow!  I still can’t believe they were born at 25 weeks gestation!  And now they are zipping around me.  Thankfully I was equipped with my 70-200mm zoom lens!  🙂

It warmed my heart to see Lucas, Alivia and Sophia grow into these amazing toddlers.  And I got to document their life’s journey thus far!

[Click here to see some of their newborn photos and one year photos!]

Alivia and Sophia


Playing with “Papa”

Lucas had an instant smile when he played with grandpa!


Did I Do That?



It was quite the challenge to get my favorite little triplets to be photographed together.  They are almost always running… and in different directions, of course!


Funny Moments

Below Left: Not much has changed since Dan and Lyla got married at this alter a few years ago.  Alright, alright.  Maybe just a little! 🙂

Below Right: The best toys are not toys!


Angels Taking A Break

These little angels took off their wings to rest their tired little 21 months old feet.  (They really did have wings!)


Mother and Daughter

I know what you’re thinking… and I thought the same thing.  There’s no way that woman is a grandmother!  And is it really fair to have that many gorgeous people in the same family?  🙂


Model Mama

I volunteered Lyla to be my model after we finished with the family shoot!

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