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Macro Investigation [Part 2]

Annie Tao getting a new lens = a kid in a candy shop… a bee in a field of flowers… a shoppoholic in NYC…

So, as any addict would have it, I couldn’t help myself.  I HAD to keep shooting… shooting different things to further investigate the abilities of the Nikon 60mm 2.8 macro lens.

What if I got closer to the subject?  How does it render skin tones?  How fast is it in low light?  How does it handle moving subjects?

So here are a few more shots from early this evening, around 5:30pm as the sun was setting and all three monkeys were awake!

People Close-Ups

So now that my monkeys were awake, they were my test victims {insert scary laugh here}!


Skin Tones

The 60mm macro lens was awesome with skin tones.

This photo below was straight-out-of-the-camera!



Can a macro lens double-up as a portrait lens?  Heck ya!

And check out how razor sharp this lens is!  I am seriously impressed.

(Note:  I focused on Melia’s left eye.  This image is straight-out-of-the-camera.  No tweaks whatsoever!)


My Afternoon Drink

I was sitting with the kids at the table and decided to raise my camera over my glass of OJ and take a few shots.  I didn’t even look through the viewfinder.  This is what I got.

Not bad, right?


Bubbly Goodness

This time I focused on the bubbles.

Who knew there were micro bubbles in my OJ?  Well, people with a macro lens, that’s who!  😉

My takeaway:  this lens will be fab for food photography, too!


Just For Fun

I caught Ava blowing a spit bubble.  Tee hee.

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