This morning’s Menlo Park family photography was almost rained out. The F. kids endured the cold, wet feet, and drizzly rain on their heads. There were smiles, there were tears, there were cookie crumbs, and well, there was Meeknah!
What is Meeknah, you ask?
One of Bella’s lovey’s is a monkey, but she cannot say “monkey”. Instead, she pronounces it as “meeknah”! Hearing and saying this word cracked me up, and it never got old!
Bella, Baby and Meeknah

Waddling Together, Walking Together

Splish Splash

B1 and B2

It’s a Circus
I didn’t even have to pay admission! It must have been my lucky day. 🙂

Blowing in the Wind

[Wanna see how much the The Family has changed? These were the sneak peeks from their shoot in 2009 and 2008!]
And one more thing…. Meeknah! Ha ha ha…