Well, they were born one year ago, but their corrected age is actually 8 months. Yes, that’s right — these little ones were born 4 months early!
(To see photos from The Miracle Triplets’ newborn photos, click here and here too!)
Ahhh…the sweetest babies and they have gorgeous parents to boot… another day in a Photographer’s Paradise! 🙂
Some Planned Portraits
Hey, we gotta get the formal shots for the holiday cards and to mark the babies’ first birthday!

Behind The Scenes
The best light in the house was in the entryway, but the sunlight streaming in from the crystal windows was too bright and it even had rainbow specks of light!
Solution: Use a diffuser and make the parents do the work! <:)

Everything Times Three
Take the clothes you buy, the diapers you change, the love you give, the love you receive, and the kisses you exchange… and multiply them by THREE! That’s the F. Family!

Pool, Anyone?
See the innocent faces on Sophia, Lucas and Alivia? Don’t let these Pool Sharks fool ya! They knew exactly what to do on that table!

Here is the same photo, but in an antique wash with some texture. I couldn’t decide which to post, so here they both are!
The one above has a dark dreamy feel and the one below looks like an old photograph. Which do you prefer?

We Are O-N-E!!!

Behind The Scenes
That’s the babies’ uncle! Uncle Paul was awesome — he helped wipe noses, change the kids and fix hairclips. To get the babies’ attention, he jumped around and even made animal noises!
His monkey sounds were so realistic (and hilarious) that I had to stop shooting and turn to look. I could’ve sworn there was a howler monkey in the room! 😉

When The Babies Are Away…
When I saw the Study, I fell in love with the hazy light that came in through the windows. It was the light that gave me this idea of Dan and Lyla sharing a leather club chair and a “moment”.
This gorgeous mood shot would look great matted and framed or made into a canvas wrap!

I love this one of them laughing!

Little Bro & Big Sis
I have so many “favorites” of these two that I can dedicate an entire blog for them!
Most adults freeze or stiffen up in front of a camera. So to loosen these two up, I had them talk about each other because I KNOW siblings always have good stories to tell! (I know because I have a brother, too!)
(FYI to Photographers: I started shooting directly in front of them (as most people will naturally want to face me), and I slowly moved to their side to capture a more natural angle.)

Fun Shots

Packing Up Shots: Featuring Alivia
If you’ve been following my blog, then you know what I am talking about!
Oftentimes, when I am packing up and about to leave, I get some amazing shots! For older kids, my theory is that they let their guard down because they know the shoot is over and thus, they no longer need to “perform”.
In today’s case, I think it was because Alivia’s brother and sister fell asleep… so she had the spotlight! Tee hee.

She kept doing cute things, one after another, that I couldn’t leave!

Her tiny tongue kept making an appearance. And look at the size of Alivia’s hand compared to her dad’s index finger!

It is just amazing to watch The Miracle Triplets grow! I feel so honored to be a part of their lives, even in a tiny way: by capturing photos of their precious milestones!
HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY to Alivia, Lucas and Sophia!!!