Here is Part 2 of the Favorite Images results!
Photos considered in The Most Delicious Light category were images where light played a significant role in the overall image (i.e., if the light was different, the quality, mood, or story of the image would change).
Diagonal shadows and light at bath time
[FYI: This image isn’t originally cropped this way; I cropped it more at the bottom out of respect and child safety.]
The parting fog under the bridge
Fantasy-like glow on the beach
Brown reflected light from the forest floor
Pure white light [Commercial Photography]
Light from above
Sun after weeks of rain lit up the moss on the trees
Tied for #8
Morning fog rolling across the lake
Sun-kissed tree swing
A perfect storm of sunlight: reflected light on the family, sun streaming through the trees to light up the background, and a ray of light as backlight!
Click here if you want to see last year’s Favorite Images. Don’t forget Favorites of 2015 too! Are you still reading this? Ooh la la… okay, here is one more: Favorite Images of 2014. 🙂