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My Mirror Family

I’ve shot the M Family a couple years ago when Addison (baby #3) was still snug inside her mom.  The funny thing is, I found out I was pregnant with my baby #3 around that same day I had their shoot.

Our three kids are almost identical in age, so they are in the same stages in life — hence, Susie and Mike are experiencing similar things as me and my hubs!  Uncanny, huh?!!

Seeing the M Family is like looking into the mirror…. well, aside from a few of the obvious differences, like they are taller.  😉

Here are a few of my favorites from today’s shoot….

I Love You *T H I S* Much!


Daddy Looking at Maylen’s Owwie

The sweetness of the story is enhanced by the sunlight shining in between them and the tree.


Genuine Smiles, Genuine Faces

With a 6, 4 and 2 year old, you can’t order anyone to smile.

Or, well… you can tell them whatever you want, but they may not do it.  And if they do, the faces don’t look like these!

I have a series of these shots and they are ALL adorable!


Cracking Up

I wish I could remember what was so funny because it looked like it was a REALLY good one!  🙂


A Mother’s Love

Alright.  So there may be a disproportionate number of images of Addison in my Sneak Peek!  There’s a reason for that, I promise…

Susie told me how it has been difficult to photograph Addison because of her age.  Toddlers are speedy quick and also don’t like to do what you tell them.  (I know!)

[Toddler Photography Tip:  Let it be natural.  Don’t let the shot be about capturing the photo; instead, let it be about the interaction, so talk to them, play with them… or even better, let someone else do that while you shoot.  That way, the expressions and the moments you capture are real.  When you tell them to stand still and smile for the camera, they will almost always run for the hills!]


The Good Competitor

Taking a family shot when you say the word “race” to Sam just isn’t possible because Sam loves a good competition!

Look at him here as he crosses the finish line.  Now that is joy!  🙂


Fave Editorial Shot of the Day

Shots that tell a story and makes you think are my favorite.  In fact, I wonder what SHE is thinking about to make her sit like that and have that expression!


When I first saw it, I loved it, but was bummed I didn’t get her feet.  But now that I’ve looked at it longer, I think if the shot had her entire body, it would’ve included too many details and lost focus on her face.

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