At yesterday’s photoshoot, Allison (13 months old) and Michelle (5 years old) enjoyed playing at the park even though it dipped into the 50s! And boy, was it windy!
The girls were such troopers and had to change their clothes part-way through their shoot to put on jeans and their matching Paul Frank sweatshirts. (I love Paul Frank!)
On Cue Milestones
Just in time for her first photoshoot, Allison started walking last week! Thanks, Alli, for reading my memo. 😉

Luckily you can’t hear my voice before, during and after each shot because with this one, you’d hear me screech: “Be careful!!! You’re squishing your sister!” (Of course I said that after getting the shot though – tee hee!)

Getting Ready
Some of my favorite shots are taken when no one is ready.
I love the glowy afternoon sunlight that illuminated Grandma’s face as they dressed Allison.

Flare, Baby, Flare!
If I took a couple steps forward or to my right, I’d get an entirely different shot. But oh, how I love flare!

Oh What Fun It Is To Swing (sung to the tune of Jingle Bells!)
Here’s what it looks like when I took a couple steps forward, so I was at Michelle’s side. No flare.
But to make the swinging shots interesting, I left my camera in position and let Michelle swing into my camera’s field of vision.
(I also used the technique of following her with my camera, but that quickly became dizzying!)

Beautiful Backlight
With the low afternoon sun, there is gorgeous backlight to highlight hair and the outline of clothing.
In this photo, the backlight shows off the softness of Yvonne’s sweater and lightness of Stephen’s dress shirt.

The Girls
This is one of my favorite mom and daughters shot. Their smiles are gorgeous and as warm as the sunlight.
And if you’re wondering what Baby Alli is doing…. she is scouring the ground for more cookie scraps! Ha ha!

AMEX Card Ad
Allison’s haircut… $0 (she hasn’t had one yet). Size 2T Paul Frank sweatshirt… $45. Pampers diapers… $34.99/box. Toddler snacks… $4. Her expression… priceless.
(And that’s Michelle’s hand on the right. She is plucking petals off the flowers and throwing them. The fact that you only see part of Michelle tells more of a story. It explains why Alli is sitting there and looking perplexed without taking the attention off of Allison!)
Behind Bars
This photo — believe it or not — is straight-out-of-the-camera! The saturated colors, the glowy light, the high contrast of the sunlight and shadows… they make the photo look dream-like.

Stephen & Yvonne
Sometimes it is hard to focus on our spouses when we have kids, which is why I like taking couple’s shots during a family shoot!
And other than your wedding and maybe engagement, how often do you get professional shots of just you and your honey? Exactly my point!
I like this couple’s shot because there is a softness in Stephen’s face and Yvonne looks so sweet as she faces Stephen.
(FYI to photographers: This image is straight-out-of-the-camera. The softness of the image is just from the soft sun at 5pm.)
