If the saying “A family who plays together, stays together” is true, then Marlene and Christian will need to be prepared for their kids to stay with them FOR-EV-ER!!!
This morning’s East Bay family photography session was, needless to say, a lot of fun!
The First Five Minutes
Sadly, my watch broke in the beginning of the shoot, so I had no concept of time. The silver lining for the H Family is that their shoot ended up lasting twice as long as planned. 🙂
The funny thing is…
Two of my favorite shots were taken in the first five minutes.

There was a brief shower in the area just before their shoot started. And then the clouds started parting.
The result: beautiful patterns in the sky and warm, diffused light!

A Perfect Family Frame

When I took this shot, Marlene and I were laughing so hard! And even now as I look at it, I can’t help, but smile.
Philip, 11 months, squeeeeezed his head into the same window quadrant as Marlene, so their heads were temporarily stuck!
The expression on both their faces (Marlene cracking up and Philip looking so innocent) is what makes this a winner in my book.

This is another shot that tickles my ribs!
To get Marlene and the kids’ attention, Daddy Christian started climbing up a pole! And he was good at it too!
I got this shot when he was starting to lose traction. I took it from behind, so I could get the whole scene — as opposed to just turning around and taking a shot of Christian on a pole.

The first time I met this little guy, he was still growing inside his mama. It was so meaningful to meet him and see what a beautiful little person he is already…at only 11 months old.
I love this shot because Christian flipped him upside-down, yet Baby Philip was so calm and okay with it all. The light on his face and in his eyes, along with his relaxed face, makes him look almost doll-like.

The Family Shoes

A Drooly Detail
I love capturing images of little ones holding onto their parent’s hands, but this shot is doubly cute.
Philip’s hand isn’t just small and chunky (so cute), but his thumb has some fresh drool on it! Looooooove it.

Blanket Fun
I have a wonderful series of shots from the H Family playing with this blanket. Each image had everyone wearing happy faces.
This one is my all-time fave because of Charlotte’s reaction. It was the 2nd shot in the series. Charlotte laughed, and then leaned into her mom and covered her mouth.
