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Rinse and Repeat

Why do shampoo bottles have instructions that tell you to “rinse and repeat”?  How many times are you supposed to shampoo your hair?!!

Well, I can’t answer those questions, but I will say this:  Rinse and repeat is what came to mind when I was editing images from last weekend’s photoshoot!

Here was my thought process (bear with me!):  If you are using good shampoo, you shouldn’t need to do multiple rounds of shampooing and rinsing.  However, if it’s REALLY good shampoo, you may want to do it all over again during the same ablution just for the sake of enjoyment!  🙂  The same goes for other things.

When I look at The L Family’s images, I forget that it was only 30F degrees and how we only saw Dex’s hands half the time because we had to keep them inside his coat sleeves.  I forget it was so cold that my fingers hurt, so I had to rub them together to get feeling back in order to change settings on my camera!  I forget that Danny and Emily had to play games with their kids to help them survive enjoy the cold.  Games like “Let’s hear the crunch of the frozen leaves when we step on them!” and “Let’s pretend we have hot tea for a tea party!”  🙂  It was adorable, and it worked.  Not once did Rory and Dex complain.

These images makes me smile and makes me want to do it again because it was so much fun and there was so much laughter, despite our frostbitten fingers.

So, when you love something, I say:  rinse and repeat!




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