"Ms. Annie! Ms. Annie! Watch me run!"
I remember this little Kindergartener would always say that to me during morning recess when I was a teacher in San Francisco. It was the cutest thing. I told the little boy that he ran sooo fast that he was just a blur. Heehee. He was like Speedracer.
With kids growing up, I feel the same way. It can go so fast, it is like a blur.
I have been photographing Maya and Nina since they were toddler/preschool ages, and now Maya will be heading to college. COLLEGE! And Nina is in 11th grade. Sigh. We skipped a year with the pandemic, so I haven't seen them for two years, and... and... hold on, something is in my eye. They have grown so much. ❤️
This family is so special to me, and I am grateful I got to see them this year. Stay safe, healthy and happy, my friends! xo
