Years ago before kids and spouses, in the boom of the dot com era, Soon and I used to hang out together in San Francisco. He called me “Tao Baby” and I called him “Soon Baby”. I have no idea why. It’s just something that stuck.
So today’s shoot was of Soon Baby’s baby: 7-month old Baby Brenden.
We had a great variety of activities in today’s lifestyle shoot. Brenden had a bath, gave a piano recital, strolled around the neighborhood and played at the park. We did this all under 2 hours. Impressive, right?
Bathing with Ducks
I love this perspective! I had to climb into the tub with him though. Just kidding.
And what’s up with those ducks? Maybe they are bobbing for fish! =:D

Client Home Studio
When I first started my photography business, I didn’t believe it was right to change the original environment for a photo. I guess I saw it as cheating. It is also because I like the creative challenge.
But today, I’ve evolved in how I want to spend my creative energy. It makes me laugh to think about some of the things I’ve done or asked clients to do — ie, cleaned table tops, picked up toys, moved furniture, and completely re-arranged a room.
The next few photos were taken in Brenden’s room. We put a light-colored blanket on top of the bed and removed all the bedding and pillows, so there wouldn’t be any visual distractions. It took only a couple minutes of prep work, and it made a big difference.
To shoot at the angle I wanted, I had to press myself against his crib and wall. There was a busy desk immediately to the right of the bed, so I had to mind my angle and compose the shot as to not include the desk. (It would’ve taken too long to move the desk!)

The Perfect Naked Baby Shot
In a split second, Brenden looked up at the camera, smiled (I can be pretty funny, ya know!) AND held his folded hands over his privates!

Clean Shots, Clean Baby
The next two are some of my favorites. Yes, I know… I have a lot of “favorites”!
With the aperture almost fully open, I washed out the background, so the wall was just a beautiful creamy wash. The focus was on Brenden and the delicious light!

I love this one with Mommy Christine in the background, the gorgeous baby backside, and Brenden looking directly at me.

Future Beethoven
Since Mommy Christine is a piano teacher, Brenden has been getting piano “lessons” and shows musical promise already!

Brenden’s parents enjoyed his piano recital. As did I! 🙂

A Sunday Morning at the Park

I feel so honored to be the one capturing Baby Brenden’s milestones. To think that I was one of the very first people who had seen Brenden after he was born to seeing him laugh and sit at 7 months…. wow. It brings a smile to my face.