There’s something about Brooke and Emmy that is undeniable. They have some kind of energy that radiates from within when they are together. It’s a light that makes others want to be around them, to laugh with them, to be better people because they incite inspiration without even trying. Especially during a time when we are bombarded by negative news, being around Brooke and Emmy felt like a little vacation for my soul. ❤️
Now with Fletcher and Annie, their energy has grown.
While in San Francisco, we visited all the same places we did on their wedding day. To no surprise, many strangers around us were friendlier and happier, even at 8am in the morning. At one point, we found ourselves testing out sirens and sitting on motorcycles because… a couple of police officers insisted! (When does that happen, right?!!)
Happy 5 year anniversary, Brooke and Emmy! I am unbelievably touched to be a small part of your lives and incredibly grateful you returned to San Francisco to see me! xoxo

“Stick ’em up!”
