San Francisco is full of urban playgrounds, whether it’s an actual children’s playground or cool things around the city you can play on! With imagination and a free spirit, we can find fun things to do anywhere, right?!! 🙂
My Lifestyle Shoot with The Y Family this weekend had both types of playgrounds. Add to that, great people and nice weather during an El Nino Winter. It was fabulous!

One of the things I love about shooting in the city is having the contrast of nature and man-made materials, like a park in front of giant skyscrapers. It’s a visual Yin and Yang!
In the below image, I yearned to break up “the pattern on top of pattern” (shadow against the brick wall) with these two amazing women who describe themselves as opposites, so I stood them apart from each other for symbolism.
It’s one of my favorite photos of the shoot because of the patterns, coolness in colors, and compositional balance of the two women, who are obviously different, but in that second, their mannerisms mirrored each other! <3
