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WSJ Baby

You say he’s 9 months old and he reads the Wall Street Journal?!!

This afternoon’s lifestyle family photography session was in San Francisco.  My little model, Justin George, is a connoisseur of art and music, and he reads the WSJ.   🙂

I just finished this shoot TONIGHT, so this is a short peek.  It’s a good thing I don’t have more time to work on the sneak peek because it would be incredibly difficult to choose my favorites!

Here are a few that stood out to me that I had to share!

Looking for Dad

Justin was very intrigued by me and my cameras, and he often followed me around with his eyes.  I absolutely adored photographing him with his eyes planted right on me!  But what I love about this photo is the expression on his face.

He was very calm and quiet… and was looking over at his dad who was standing near the window.


Carpet Opportunity

[Photography Tip:  Diaper changes provide fantastic opportunities to photograph babies’ faces because they are looking right up at the light, so you get catchlight in their eyes.  Plus, with the light source above their faces, you don’t get weird shadows around noses and eye sockets.]

I absolutely adore this shot of Justin’s eyes.  The fact that he’s on a colorful carpet is perfectly representative of all the colors in his eyes.  Today, they look green and brown!


Wall Street Journal

Justin gave me some tips about the market before I left his house today.


Bath Time

The rooms I choose to photograph in depends on many things.  Mostly, it’s the room(s) with the best light.  But sometimes, it’s what inspires me.

What can I say?!!  Their bathroom inspired me!


Hold on to Daddy!

When I took this shot, I knew it was going to be an instant favorite!

It’s the innocent expression on his face, the way he is grabbing hold of his dad, and the contrast between Justin’s white baby skin and his dad’s hairy arms that make this image one I could gaze at every day!

Really!  I. Can’t. Stop. Looking. At. It.


Snack Time

After an hour into the shoot, Justin took a short bottle break.  We wanted to keep him happy as a clam before we brought him outdoors in the brisk San Francisco weather.

I thought it was pretty sweet of Eric (Justin’s dad) to stand by through the entire feeding with a burp cloth.  Now that is service!  🙂

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