I’ve photographed The L Family for seven years, so when Julie told me her idea of sticking to her own neighborhood, I was like a little kid in an ice cream shop being asked if I want something: “Yes, yes, yes, YESSSSS!!!” with my long hair flying everywhere because of the repeated nodding.
There is nothing better for storytelling images than when you’re in and around your own home.
So Chris, Julie, Callie and Ian went to the farmer’s market to buy flowers and their favorite farm-fresh foods, sat down at the train station to relax (and for the kids to do funny photobombs), then walked to the fancy patisserie for some nonfat lattés and delectables. What a fabulous way to spend a weekend morning!

If you want to see how different a shoot can be for the same family or see the evolution of my photography, you can see it here with The L Family’s sneak peeks:
You Can Dance (2014) The Wizard of Oz (2013) Shadow Family (2012) Who’s Reward Is It? (2011) Boo and Pie-Man (2010) Models in the Making (2009)
I’ve gotta say… this walk down memory lane with Callie and Ian reminds me how important it is to capture all the little details of children’s personalities and family dynamics because so much changes year to year. Thank you, Julie, for giving me the opportunity to make this journey with your family. 🙂