My son just turned 10. Yep, Ian entered the World of two digits. Cue tears.
Sure, the entire month I hugged him tighter and made him snuggle with me whenever he was within arms’ reach. That’s to be expected in my family around birthdays, Christmas, illnesses, injuries, bad days… Okay, so it may happen more often than I think!
For Ian’s birthday shoot, I thought about what represents his interests now, so that years later when he isn’t close enough — or willing (*sigh*) — to snuggle with his dear old mom, I can look back at his photos and remember what he was like when he was 10. And this was it: basketball and bubble gum.
Every day after school, I hear two sounds from him: the dribbling of a basketball in the backyard and “can I have a piece of gum?”
We kept things simple and short. We didn’t do anything fancy or go anywhere spectacular. We headed to a neighborhood park just before dinner, and I photographed him for 20-minutes. The focus was having fun and being together. ❤️
