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Behind-The-Scene of Styled Shoots

Since I’ve heard from several people that they enjoy and learn from seeing my Behind-The-Scenes (BTS) images, I thought I’d share a few from my recent styled shoots. 

What you’ll notice in these BTS images is how styled shoots are conceptual.

As the Photographer, I am not only the Artist who produces the final product, but also the Designer who develops the scene.  Thus, when choosing a photographer for a styled shoot, you are buying into their VISION, not only their ability to operate photography equipment!  🙂

[Note:  All the BTS images were taken with an iPhone or iPad, so you are warned.]

This is what 12-year old Katy looks like on a ‘normal’ non-styled photoshoot day (what a cutie!), so you can see the transformation.


What I shot


This location, though beautiful, had construction EVERYWHERE and holiday decorations were up.

To remedy this, I chose a few textured areas with good light and then did tight shots.

What I shot


This bedroom had fantastic antique furniture and decor, but it also had many extra pieces that we couldn’t move, like that big round table you see on the bottom right side of the image below.

I loved the way the light filtered through the sheer curtains and hit the middle of the bed’s edge, so, like in a cartoon, a lightbulb appeared above my head.  🙂

What I shot

I also used the window light to carefully sculpt the light and shadows on Tammy.  *swoon*

The visual line of the wall enhances Tammy’s curves, which was my intention in the below image.


I loved the texture of this iron door, but didn’t want the wood around it.  With tighter shots, it gives the appearance that Tammy is surrounded by this, like she is in an old castle.

What I shot

Styled Shoots require more preparation before the shoot whereas Lifestyle Shoots are more about crafting a story during the shoot.

Styled Shoots begin with a concept, so look around and see what inspires you.  It may be an accessory, an outfit, a location, a book….anything!

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