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Newborn Photography: Amazing Grace

Hi.  My name is Grace and I was born on December 18.  My parents, Gina and Jason, call me “Amazing Grace”.

They also call me “Woo-Woo” sometimes.  I’m still trying to figure that one out.

I love the way my mom looks at me.  Even after I eat, burp and spit some of my milk back up, she still smiles at me!

My dad spoils me with hugs, kisses and even gives me a blinky.  That’s what he calls a bling-binky. 

If I like bling when I’m older, I’ll tell him it was his fault.   🙂

As far as activities go, I love laying on the mat that has all these cool toys that hang from the top.

Sometimes my mom and dad put me down on my tummy, and I’m facing the floor!  So lately, I’ve needed to take matters into my own hands.

I’ve been learning to push with my arms and am starting to roll over!  Now I can see the hanging toys whenever I want.

My mom and dad make a lot of noise with their hands and show me their teeth whenever I do this.

This is Skitty.  My mom says they named her that because she is a skittish kitty, so they combined the words. 

Does that mean they’ll change my name to Amazingrace?  But isn’t that a TV show?

Another interesting fact about my parents is that they get distracted when I coo and smile. 

Look how my dad can’t finish reading his newspaper without looking at me!

I am smitten with my mom and dad.  But, shhhhh — don’t tell them I said that.  I’ll tell them myself, when I am a bit older.

All this story-telling has tired me out.  I am only 2.5 months old, for Pete’s sake.  Good….ni….

Dear Gina and Jason,

THANK YOU for inviting me into your home to photograph your beautiful family!  Baby Grace is amazing indeed!



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