Today is Ava’s due date, so I thought I’d muster up the energy to take some photos of my new family of monkeys.
It is hard to imagine carrying Ava until today for she was one jumbo baby that it was difficult to move around! Thank goodness she came early.
And now that she is here, in our lives, it is hard to imagine my family any other way…. but the way it is now. With all three monkeys.
The Princess And The Pea
Yes, the “pea” is Ava, but she is one large pea!

Melia prayed and prayed throughout my pregnancy for a baby sister. You can see the contentment in her face.

A Great Contrast
Could be just me, but I like photos of babies, even when they are crying! It is just a part of real life. Later on, I’ll look back at these photos and think, “Being born into a photographer’s family can be rough!” Or, “Hey, you have no teeth!” 😀

Sisterly Love
Though almost exactly 5 years apart, Mia and Ava kinda look alike!

Ian – The Real Monkey
He is my wild child, but he is also my sweet, Cuddlebug! He can’t sit next to me without leaning against me or holding my hand. He knows just what to say to make me melt. Hmmmmm…. I think he learned these tricks from his dad!

This is his Whatcha-Talkin-Bout-Willis look! 😉 (Again, I am dating myself!)

“Take 101!”
Okay, okay… why do I even try? Taking photos of my own kids never work. *sigh*
This one is kinda funny though, so I wanted to share it, so we can all have a laugh!

The Littlest Monkey
Ava napping this afternoon… and I caught a little smile.
She was probably dreaming: “Mmmm…. milk.”

Looks like the dream took a turn!
