Today’s lifestyle family photography session was of a family I’ve seen a few years now. Little Ian was only a few months old when I first met him. *Sigh* Oh how much he has grown! And Callie is growing into a little lady and is as pretty as ever.
Before the shoot started, we had a little snafu. The location we chose was closed — for no reason. Well, I’m sure there was a reason. We just didn’t know what it was! There wasn’t a sign posted or anything noted on their website. Perhaps it had to do with today being the 10 year anniversary of 9/11? In any case, we made some quick decisions and found another location with my handy-dandy iPhone. 🙂
Here are a few of my faves from today…
We had just arrived and Julie (Callie’s mom) was still at the car, yet Callie didn’t need any time to warm up. She started playing and giving me adorable faces to photograph right away!

I love the moments that occur naturally. They give insight into people’s personalities and tell a story.
Below left: Ian had just gotten out of the car and was feeling a little shy. Grabbing hold of mommy’s leg gave him a sense of security and comfort.
Below right: Daddy Chris was about to wipe Ian’s face. Hee hee…

Hanging out on the Bench
When I saw the longest wooden bench ever (am I right?!!), I knew it’d make a cool place for some family photos.
They were just playing and hanging out together. What a charming family!

Smiles and Silliness
[Photography Tip: Take photos of the moments just before the silliness happens and the moments immediately after! Sometimes I ask my clients to do something ridiculous just to see their reaction afterwards. This works with any moment, not just silly ones. For instance, the very moment after a bride and groom kiss at the alter usually produces precious reactions.]

How cute are their sneakers? I want a pair. Really. I’ve been looking for one, but can’t decide on the color. Grey? Red? Black?

It was such a lovely park and I was patting myself on the back for finding it in a moment’s notice. Pat pat pat.
The only downside was the large population of spiders there! Charlotte (below) made a home at the swings, and I almost walked into her about a dozen times.
I had to act tough (for my little clients) every time that almost happened — but OMG, if I had successfully walked into it, you’d probably hear my high-pitched shrieks from miles away!

Whose Reward is it?!!
I bought some retro lollypops for these darling kiddies, but it ended up being MY reward because I had so many great photo opportunities with these two!

These siblings are similar in so many ways, but how they eat their lollypops is not one of them.
Ian savored every lick. Callie licked and chomped, licked and chomped.

I love this one!!!

Two minutes later… 🙂

[How much have Ian and Callie changed? Check out their previous shoots: Boo & Pie-Man from 2010 and Models in the Making from 2009. Enjoy!]